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Age Discrimination Attorney – Examples of Age Discrimination

Updated: Dec 19, 2023

What is Age Discrimination?

Age discrimination means treating an employee less favorably because of their age. However, legal protections against age discrimination vary depending on your location, the size of your employer, and your sector.

At the federal level, the Age Discrimination Attorney in Employment Act of 1967 offers age discrimination protections. It does not cover everyone, however ‒‒ it protects job applicants and employees who are 40 years old or older. Also, the law only applies to private employers who employ 20 or more people; employment agencies and labor organizations; and federal, state, and local government agencies.

If you have been discriminated against because of your age, please contact our experienced law firm today. The Employment Law Attorney at the Marcarian Law Firm will help you get the money you deserve. We serve clients in offices throughout the United States.

Age discrimination can take many forms, from laying off older workers to refusing to hire someone because of their age. That means it can start during the hiring process.

Many people experience age discrimination during job interviews. A November 2017 survey by Talent Inc. found that nearly one in four professionals faced inappropriate questions about their age during an interview.

Examples of Age Discrimination

Examples of unlawful harassment and discrimination because of age include:

  • Denial of employment because someone is considered “too old”

  • Hiring another candidate just because they are younger

  • Denial of training, education, or other benefits to older people

  • Reduction in forces/layoffs that disproportionately affect older people

  • Making jokes or unwanted comments on the basis of age

  • Assignment of undesirable or demeaning tasks to older employees only

  • Lower pay for the same work

  • Making a job more difficult to encourage someone to quit

If you believe you are a victim of wrongful termination or another form of age discrimination can explain your legal options and help protect your employee rights. Contact our Top Employment Attorneys in California to speak with an employment lawyer about your case or call 818-995-8787 to schedule a free case evaluation.

Marcarian Law Firm


21650 W Oxnard Street, Suite 1980

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