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Top Medical Malpractice Attorneys in Los Angeles | Marcarianlawfirm

Medical malpractice is a legal claim against a healthcare provider, such as a hospital or an individual doctor or nurse, alleging that the patient suffered an injury or disability because the healthcare provider was professionally negligent or provided care that was below the community standard.

What are the Most Common Medical Malpractice Claims?

• recommends the incorrect drug or dosage

• Failure to adequately care for the patient or provide treatment (this might include being sloppy or making blunders during surgical operations)

• Mismanagement of a medical issue, such as neglecting to suggest the best courses of action

• Inaccurate or lacking in diagnosis

What is the Process for Starting a Claim?

In California, you have to give notice of your intention to bring a lawsuit 90 days in advance to any doctor or other healthcare practitioner you want to sue.

This notification need not follow any specific format or form, but the defendant must be made aware of the following: the nature of the injuries received, the sort of damage incurred, and the legal basis for the claim.

Claims for medical malpractice can be among the hardest to pursue and succeed in. You need the top California medical malpractice attorneys on your side if you want to succeed. To begin your claim, contact us right now.

Some of the Most Common Forms of Medical Malpractice in California Include:

• Misdiagnosing or failing to diagnose a serious disease or illness

• Failing to provide treatment on time

• Delayed diagnosis

• Inability to order necessary tests

• Birth injuries

• Prescribing the wrong medication or the wrong dosage

• Failure to provide standard follow-up care

• Hospital or care facility errors (such as early release, providing treatment to the wrong patient, unnecessary treatment, medication errors, and failing to monitor a patient, etc. properly)

Dealing With California Medical Malpractice Attorney

Lawsuits pertaining to medical malpractice are distinct from personal injury claims under various regulations and may include intricate legal issues. Strict guidelines and statutes of limitations for bringing claims must be adhered to, and it is crucial to enlist the assistance of a knowledgeable Los Angeles medical malpractice attorney or medical negligence attorney who is familiar with the law and the scientific and medical components of the case.

With our combined legal and medical backgrounds, we at The Marcarian Law Firm in Los Angeles can effectively present your case and assist you in obtaining the compensation you are entitled to.

Marcarian Law Firm


21650 W Oxnard Street, Suite 1980

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