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How to Find an Attorney Who's Right for You - Marcarian Law Firm

Updated: Dec 19, 2023

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When faced with a legal problem, many people don't know how to begin looking for an attorney. Attorneys—and the law—can seem unfamiliar and intimidating. But the process is easier if you first understand a few things about Employment Law Attorney and the ways they can help you.

Here are three steps that will help you find the attorney that's right for you and your situation.

Know Your Problem or Issue

In the same way that many doctors are specialists, most attorneys focus their legal practice on one or a few broad areas of law. This is good for clients because it means you'll get an attorney who has the experience and knowledge to give you good advice and do your work efficiently. You can start your attorney search by figuring out which legal “practice area" your problem or issue falls into.

Some of The Most Common Legal Practice Areas Include:

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  • Estate planning, such as wills, trusts, and issues involving the elderly

  • Business law, including business formation, contracts, and business disputes

  • Intellectual property: trademarks, copyrights, and patents

  • Family law, which includes divorces and adoptions

  • Bankruptcy

  • Labor and Employment Attorney, or anything related to the relationship between employers and employees

  • Real estate law, including property sales, leases, and disputes

Transactional Attorney or Litigator

Generally, we always hear attorneys are always going to court. But many real attorneys never set foot inside a courtroom. These attorneys, known as “transactional" attorneys, prepare documents, negotiate deals, and help their clients avoid problems. A transactional attorney might draft a contract, prepare a will and trust, set up a business, or review a lease.

Litigators are courtroom attorneys. They help their clients resolve disputes through settlement, arbitration, or a lawsuit. You might hire a litigator for a personal injury lawsuit, a business dispute, or an age discrimination claim.

Some law firms have both transactional attorneys and litigators, but most individual attorneys tend to do one or the other, depending on their skills and temperament. In looking for an attorney, be aware of whether you need a transactional attorney or a litigator.

Searching for and Screening Attorneys

Once you understand the type of attorney, you can begin looking for someone.

Review some attorney websites, find two or three attorneys who look like a good match, and schedule a consultation. Many Employee Rights Attorneys do these for free, and it is an excellent way to get a better understanding of your legal issue and the kind of help you will need.

At the consultation, see if the attorney seems knowledgeable about your problem and find out how they would approach it. Also, get the attorney's fee, and try to get an estimate of the total cost to handle your case.

Decide Whether to Hire an Attorney and Which One

After your consultations, you may decide to hire one of the attorneys you spoke with, or you may discover that you are not ready to hire anyone yet. You may have gotten enough information to resolve a dispute on your own, or you may decide it would be more cost-effective to use an online legal service provider.

If you or someone you know has been treated unfairly by your employer, contact the Marcarian Law Firm, P.C. for a consultation concerning your particular situation at 800-924-3784.


Which is better attorney or lawyer?

A lawyer is an individual who has earned a law degree or Juries Doctor (JD) from a law school. The person is educated in the law but is not licensed to practice law in Pennsylvania or another state. An attorney is an individual who has a law degree and has been admitted to practice law in one or more states.

What is the first meeting with a lawyer called?

A legal consultation is the initial meeting between a potential lawyer and a client. These meetings allow the client to discuss their case with an attorney.

Do I qualify for unemployment benefits?

Each state has its requirements for wages earned or time worked during an established period before a worker is eligible to receive unemployment benefits.

Marcarian Law Firm


21650 W Oxnard Street, Suite 1980

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