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California Pharmacy License Defense Lawyers|MarcarianLawFirm

Updated: Nov 24, 2023

If you are facing a California Board of Pharmacy license investigation, accusation or pharmacist criminal charge, you need an experienced and respected Pharmacist License Defense Attorney as early as possible in the process. Investigations, disciplinary actions, and criminal matters risk your license, reputation, and career.

We understand the investment required to secure a pharmacy, pharmacist or pharmacist technician license and everything that is at stake. This is why we use all our experience and resources to vigorously protect you and your license.

California Board of Pharmacy License Defense

At Marcarian Law Firm, P.C., our experienced pharmacy license defense attorney represents individuals, pharmacies, and companies licensed and regulated by the California State Board of Pharmacy, the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Armond Marcarian, Marc L. McCulloch, and Kristina Markarian are respected professional license lawyers with over 35 years of experience handling thousands of healthcare license defense, criminal defense, DEA, pharmacist DUI, and Federal criminal cases. They are highly qualified in the complex intersection of administrative and criminal law.

The 6 Stages of Pharmacist License Defense

Pharmacist license defense is the legal practice of defending a Board of Pharmacy license at 6 stages in disciplinary actions:

  1. Pharmacists complain about years of criminal charges,

  2. License investigation and interview,

  3. Formal Accusation,

  4. Administrative Hearing,

  5. Appeal, and

  6. Reinstatement and penalty relief.

Pharmacist Criminal Defense Attorney

A criminal charge, law enforcement investigation, or even just an accusation of misconduct can wreak havoc on a pharmacist, nurse, or medical license. They can trigger a pharmacy license investigation, suspension or revocation, and the loss of your ability to work.

It is crucial for licensees to hire a Pharmacy Attorneys or pharmacist DUI lawyer with expertise in both administrative. Pharmacists have specialized defense requirements that must be carefully adhered to in order to protect their license and secure the best possible results.

Armond Marcarian, Marc L. McCulloch, and Kristina Markarian have experienced criminal defense attorneys and pharmacy license attorneys. They are experienced in , defending healthcare licensees, pharmacists, pharmacies, sterile compounding pharmacies, nursing licenses and pharmaceutical corporations for criminal and licensing matters involving California and Federal laws, including:

  • All misdemeanor and felony charges

  • State, DEA, and Federal criminal investigations

  • Pharmacist DUI, DUI drugs, felony DUI

  • Drug diversion

  • Drug billing and insurance fraud

  • Prescription drug offenses

  • Practicing impaired

  • Federal crimes and DEA offenses

  • Domestic violence

  • Financial fraud

  • Sex crimes, sexual misconduct

Experienced Pharmacist Attorneys

When your reputation and career are at risk, there is no substitute for experience and knowledge of the administrative law system and tactics you are facing. Marcarian Law Firm, P.C. Armond Marcarian, Marc L. McCulloch, and Kristina Markarian have more than 35 years of experience representing Board of Pharmacy licensees in license defense, investigations, DEA, federal, and state criminal defense matters. They have handled more than 6,500 cases and hearings.

Our California pharmacist license defense attorney specializes in defending all Board of Pharmacy licensees. Pharmacist and Pharmacy licenses are subject to strict Pharmacy Laws and regulations. If you need legal help, call 818-995-8787 to speak with a lawyer.

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